Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Homemade Vegetarian Furikake

Homemade Vegetarian Furikake 

Sprinkle Vegetarian Furikake on Steamed Rice 

Vegetarian Salted Fish 
Furikake is a type of Japanese Condiment that is usually used to sprinkle on top the rice. You can create your own style … here is another variant …

The ingredients for the above Vegetarian Furikake are Vegetarian Salted Fish, White Sesame and shredded nori.  Quantity as per individual preference. Mix well and store in a container.  Use it for rice, congee or salad! 

p.s : still in hibernating mood … : )


  1. i love furikake! i used to eat that every night when I was living in Japan. Okay, maybe i was slightly obsessed with it ;)

  2. Thanks Emily. There are furikake in the supermarket - Japan food Section, just that it isn't vegetarian.

    If I have the time, I might make a more colourful furikake using Aonoriko Seaweed (green), dehydrated carrot (orange), dehydrated chilli (red) or shichimi.

    cheers :)

  3. Great idea! I can see putting this stuff on all sorts of things. Thanks! :-)

  4. Thanks Chow vegan,

    I learn this from Japanese Cuisine ...

    cheers :)
