Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Simple Gomoku Gohan (Japanese One-Pot Mixed Rice)

I had GOMOKU YASAI KAMAMESHI  @ Miyako and decided to re-create it. Well, this is like Gomoku Gohan (five ingredients mixed rice) cooked using dashi stock. To skip the process of making dashi stock, I added the ingredient for shojin dashi (fish free stock for vegetarian) which consist of shiitake and kombu plus the carrot to the rice and cooked together.

Replace chicken with king oyster mushroom or add vegetable like burdock root, bamboo shoot to it, if desired.  The light green shiraganegi (Japanese-style spring onion) thinly sliced would be the classic garnish which can impact flavour and visual appeal to this rice dish.  I had added a little too much of spring onion for garnish, reducing it a little would make it more presentable.

Kids would like this too … Serves with miso soup, pickles and few side dishes to make a complete meal set.

Preparation:     15 mins  Cooking time:            15 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
°         200g rice, washed and drained
°         450ml water
°         4 chinese dried mushrooms, reconstituted and diced
°         25g carrot, peeled and shredded
°         10 kelp in knot
°         3 tablespoon light soy sauce
°         1 tablespoon cooking rice wine (optional)
°         ½  tablespoon sugar or to taste

°         some coriander leaves or spring onion shreds 
°         sesame seeds and chilli flakes or shichimi (optional)

1.      Combine all the ingredients into an electric rice cooker, mix well and turn it on.
2.      When done, leave the cooked rice to rest, covered, for 5-10 minutes. Fluff with a fork and garnish with coriander leaves or spring onion, sesame seeds and chilli flake or shichmimi and serve hot.

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