Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Simple Willow Mushroom 'N' Solomon's Seal Soup

In 2010, most likely I will be very busy and posting very few recipes. I still have 10-20 veg*n dishes on my recipe to-do list which I guess when time permit then I will post and share with all. Really appreciate the lovely comments, the encouraging emails etc that I received regarding this blog.  Here is an herbal soup recipe which I done last year to share.

Spot some fresh willow mushroom (tea tree mushroom) - 150g @ $$2.55, at the supermarket last year and could not resist buying this unique mushroom. And use it to whip up this quick and simple soup. The willow mushroom imparts a unique flavour to this soup. Add some dried mushroom if desired, it will gives this soup a much stronger flavour and darker shade.  You can opt to boil this soup longer but remember to increase the amount of water when needed.  

Preparation:     10 mins Cooking time:  20 mins
Ingredients (serves 2)
°         150g fresh willow mushroom, base trimmed
°         10g solomon's seal/yu zhu
°         6 seedless red dates
°         1 slice ginger (optional)
°         3/4 tablespoon wolfberries, soaked
°         750ml water or vegetable stock
°         salt and pepper to taste
°         granulated mushroom bouillon (optional), to taste
°         some fresh coriander leaves, for garnish

1.      Place willow mushroom, solomon's seal, red dates, ginger and water in a pot. Bring soup to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes.
2.      Throw in the wolfberries and season to taste with salt, pepper and granulated mushroom bouillon.
3.      Ladle the soup into individual serving bowls, garnish with fresh coriander leaves and serve.


  1. 谢谢 BOBO, 如有机会的话, 会常更新 。 祝:安康,快乐。

  2. I view have to digest all your past recipes before can I can ask for more .. muahaha.. the picture of your soup is making me hungry!

  3. Hi pureland2012,
    You are so much better. You have published a cookbook and conducted so many cooking classes, got media interviews etc(even got free cooking class) ...

    Anyway I accidentally saw the poster of your 1D Organic Tour on 30 Jan 2010 on the notice board in Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery, didn't know you have such a good profile and the poster is beautiful 1D Organic Tour on 30 Jan 2010 and the  Vegetarian Health Series (cooking class and detox class).

    Hmmm... the itinerary sounds interesting too :)
    Cheers :)

  4. I love mushrooms! The soup looks great! Looking forward to whenever you have time to post something. :-)
