Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Soy Bean 'N' Edamame Bean Clear Soup

This is an accidental creation and therefore I didn't note down the ingredients required.  I was making some soybean stock and have some edamame beans in the refrigerator.  So, I dropped some  edamame beans to this simple clear soup, it adds colour to the presentation.

Recipe? When I make this again ...


  1. Hi!

    You mean boil the soy bean to make clear soup stock?

    Is there anything I can make with the soya bean after blending to make the milk? it is really very soft texture and seem wasteful!


  2. Hi Emily

    Yes :) Most of the Traditional Vegetarian Stalls did that ... they used soybean to make the stock base and sometime add cabbage and carrot shreds or Sichuan Cai to make soup that is given free to the customer.

    Are you referring to the Okara (

    I haven't try making soybean milk before. I have to think about it - maybe, you can mix it with other ingredients like making Tofu or potatoes Croquettes/Balls, add to glutinous rice balls, mix with egg, mushroom slices and with some seasoning and steam it or use it to make some kueh.

    Cheers :)

  3. Thanks for the okara thingy! How interesting!! will save the stuff the next session. made last batch yesterday!

    dont we just love wikipedia!?

  4. Hi Emily

    You are welcome :) Next round, maybe you can let us know what is the outcome of your experiments with okara :)

    Yes, find wikipedia quite useful.

    Cheers :)
