Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rojak … A Spicy Salad !

Rojak is a fruit and vegetable salad dish which is very popular in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. It is a popular street food which needs to be consumed immediately, before it waters out after a while. To create that exotic flavour, do not forget to add tamarind liquid, lime juice and torch ginger bud.

Preparation: 20 mins

Ingredients (serves 4-5)
° 200g-250g pineapple, peeled and cut in bit-sized chunks
° 200g cucumber, cut in bit-sized chunks
° 200g yam bean, peeled and cut in bit-sized chunks
° 100g young green mango (optional), peeled and cut in bit-sized chunks
° 50g beansprout (optional), tailed, washed and blanched
° 1 chinese crullers, toasted and snip in bit-sized chunks
° 1 small torch ginger bud, finely shredded

° 1 tablespoon assam/tamarind paste, knead with 3 tablespoons hot water and strained
° 2 tablespoons (4 limes) freshly squeezed kalamansi lime juice
° 1 tablespoon sugar, or to taste
° 4-5 tablespoons vegetarian rojak sauce
° 1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
° 4-5 tablespoons grounded peanut

1. To make dressing. Mix assam/tamarind liquid, lime juice, sugar, rojak sauce in a large mixing bowl. Remember to taste it, it should be spicy, sweet, sharp and smoky. Add more assam/tamarind liquid, sugar, or lime juice, if necessary.
2. Throw in all the entire ingredients and toss well. Sprinkle in most of the sesame seed and grounded peanut and toss again.
3. Top with more grounded peanut, shredded torch ginger bud and serve immediately.


  1. I'm a vegetatian too. Luckily u updated this recipe... i nid it for my project. its counted in my CAs. So, thanks:)

  2. Hi My World.

    You are welcome :) Should you need any more info on this, just email me or leave a comment.

    Cheers :)

  3. hi...where can i buy the vegetarian rojak sauce?
    or how do u make it homemade?

  4. Hello,

    At the vegetarian stall or shop, many of them carry stock, just ask :)

    You can do a simple one - thick black sweet soy sauce + sugar + lime juice, maybe.

    Need to check up the ingredients for the sauce on the bottle before I can tell you more.

    Cheers : )
