Saturday, November 17, 2007

Vegetarian Cuttlefish Kangkong

There are not many stalls selling cuttlefish kangkong now in Singapore. It is even very rare to find vegetarian cuttlefish kangkong. So far, I had tasted it from 2 vegetarian stalls and one of them no longer operates. One day, I saw the picture of vegetarian cuttlefish kangkong at Veggie Bun’s blog - Cuttlefish. She had it at Ma Zhi Su. To re-create this dish in vegetarian version, it is not that difficult as we don’t need to prepare the cuttlefish, as we use vegetarian squid (product of SuXianZhi). As for the sauce, I used the red sweet sauce for Chee Cheong Fun and got it from the supermarket. The only problem is that I have no control over the sauce. Add some freshly squeezed lime juice, if desired.

Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 5 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)

° 200g kangkong/water Convolvulus, trimmed, blanched, drained and cut into 5cm lengths
° 50g vegetarian squid, blanched
° 100g sweet sauce
° warm water
° 1 beancurd puff (optional), toasted and cut into strips
° 1 teaspoon roasted white sesame seeds
° 1 teaspoon roasted grounded peanuts

1. Mix some warm water with the sweet sauce to achieve the desired consistency.
2. Arrange the kangkong in a serving plate. Top with the vegetarian squid and beancurd puff.
3. Pour the sweet sauce over the kangkong, vegetarian squid and beancurd puff.
4. Sprinkle some sesame seeds, grounded peanuts and serve immediately.


  1. It is quite difficult to find vegetarian cuttlefish (sotong) overseas, so I used konnyaku instead. Works just the same, YUMMY!

  2. Thanks Dinnerlately for sharing this, yup much better than mock cuttlefish too.

    Another substitute is Sea Bird Nest with the texture and looks very close to it.

    cheers :)
