Monday, July 14, 2008

Roselle Tea

Roselle Fruit
Roselle! I finally found this at the Supermarket after so many many years, it is organic and a product of Singapore. When I was 12 years old, my dad brought back a big bag of roselle fruit which was given to him by his friend and I was given the task to make this drink for the whole family. It was like Ribena to me and I like it. Check out more about: Roselle Plant.
Preparation: 5 mins, Cooking time: 5 mins

Ingredients (serves 8-10)
° 200g roselle fruits
° 2 – 2½ litres water
° sugar to taste

1. To make the drink, put the roselle and water in a pot. Bring to a boil and add sugar.
2. Remove from heat, strain and serve warm or chill.


  1. Oh, no need to cut that roselle? Never seen this before.

  2. Hi Veggie Bun,

    No need to cut the roselle fruit. Very rare, it was a big surprise to find it at Fairprice, 200g for $2.50.

    It was only lately, I found out the name of this at the Zoo ( Tropical Plant Section). I didn't see these fruit for few decades already.

    Cheers :)

  3. you can make into pickles and also jam

  4. hi Crystal!! I found these at sentosa too!! It's at the herb garden near the merlion...i think it was around 6 dollars for a small packet- looks like Fairprice has a better deal! Tried to bring it back to Australia but it got confiscated- very silly of me..!! The guy who sold it to me said that it's good for losing weight... :P

  5. Hi Crystal, can I check with you if these Roselle flowers/ fruit is still commonly available in FairPrice and if so, which FairPrice branch did you get it from?

