Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Crispy Wonton Strip

I got this idea from the Minced Mushroom Rice @ Waterdrop Tea house in Punggol. So, I got a packet of wonton wrapper from the wet market and deep fried them. I added some of them to my Raw Veggies Bibimbap and it is awesome.

Cooking time: 10 mins, Total time: 10 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
° 24 pieces wonton wrapper, cut into 4 or 5 sections
° oil, for deep-frying

1. Heat oil in a deep-fryer or wok and fry in batches until golden yellow.
2. Remove the wonton strip with a slotted spoon. Drain well on kitchen paper and serve as soon as possible to ensure they remain crispy.

1. Put wontons strip in oven or microwave for 1-2 minutes if they lose their crispiness.


  1. Was told normal Wonton wrapper generally contains egg...unless specially bought from vegetarian stalls.

  2. Hi Sunny

    There are also wonton skin sold at Supermarket, those will have their ingredients listed. If I remember correctly, there are some vegan one around.

    Cheers :)
