Friday, September 11, 2009

Mini Otah Toast

Many would find that cooking is a time consuming and tedious task, from thinking of what to cook, what ingredients to buy, where to buy them, the washing, the cutting, the cooking, the cleaning up ….

Often, good delicious recipes are labour intensive which most of us does not have the time. And one of the headache problems is those seasoning and sauces occupied the space in the refrigerator and often not consume before they expired. Maybe, some would like to get those ready-prepared vegetables in the supermarket and just do a simple quick stir-fry.

Usually, the common reaction is don’t cook, eat out! Often eating out, those eateries offering healthy food are quite limited. So, sometimes, we still yearn for a simple home cooked meal, and would usually go for those real simple and easy recipes!

Here is one of them, spreading ready-made raw vegetarian otah on bread and toasted them in the oven toaster for 5-8 minutes.

For party food, garnish with black and white sesame seeds, coriander leaves, nori shreds, mock floss etc. Serve with lettuce if desired.


  1. I've been craving for Otah... Ever since I turned vegetarian I haven't had Otah yet :) Time to make a trip to the Vegetarian Friendly Supplier :)

    Nice recipes Crystal!

  2. Hi Halimah

    Thank you :) You have to ask them for this, sometime, the good stuff are 'hidden' and not on display yet ...

    Cheers :)
