Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Dancing Wonton Flowers ...

Thank you very much for visiting this blog. It has been close to a year since I last post ...

Cooking can be a great way to express our personality, exercise our creativity and explore new things. Feel like getting in touch with my cooking skills yesterday. Sitting quietly in my kitchen with very few ingredients, enjoying the solitude, playing with the tofu and feeling the texture of the wonton skin, having no expectations of what will turn out to be ...

And ... these little dancing wonton flowers just bloom ... 18 of them dancing gracefully on the plate. 

Looking closely at them, the curve, the lightness, the flow, the soft folding of the wonton flower, it is so beautiful and each of them is so unique! Maybe, I learn to see perfection in everyone of them and all of them look lovely. I smile. 

It's meditative, it's quiet and it's lovely.  Had an enjoyable time. 

May you be happy any time regardless whatever you are doing right now, be it cooking, washing dishes, reading, hanging out with friends or alone enjoying the solitude ...

p.s: Click here for Recipe - Tofu Wonton Recipe ...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

May ALL be well, happy and peaceful ...

To ALL my dear readers,

Whatever has been absorbing my time and energy in the past few years (blogging etc) is now coming to an end. In completing it, I am clearing the space for something new to begin. It will be the celebration for the end of the old and the coming of the new. I am joyful and content with this blog and appreciate all of you.

I may or may not have the time (extremely tight schedule) to create new recipes, as I like to deeply and completely immerse in the new things that I am going to do in the next few months or more.

THANK YOU for visiting ...

May ALL be well, happy and peaceful. 

Vegetarian Curry Mock Abalone Rice Vermicelli

Embrace simplicity ... enjoy here and now in order to discover the beauty of the present moment and simple thing.

A simple bowl of Curry Mock Abalone with Rice Vermicelli yet it can be quickly and easily transform to be served as a presentable party food. By adding some garnish or simple special ingredient like mock floss or crispy cereal with curry leaves or what you can think of, it will be a unique dish. 

P.S: Fresh veggies have vibrational frequencies which are not found in processed or canned food or meat that is beneficial to our body.  

Preparation:      5 mins, Cooking time:   5 mins
Ingredients (serves 2)
°         150g rice vermicelli, blanched in hot water and drained well
°         1 can vegetarian mock abalone, drained
°         1-2 tablespoons curry powder
°         3-5 tablespoons water
°         6 slices of carrot, shredded
°         1 tablespoon olive oil
°         salt to taste (optional)
°         some fresh Chinese celery (optional), for garnish

1.   Mix the curry powder and chilli powder with 3 tablespoons of water to form curry paste and set aside.
2.   Heat oil in a non-stick wok. Stir in curry paste and fry over medium heat until fragrant. 
3.   Throw in vegetarian mock abalone and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes and off the heat.
4.   Add in rice vermicelli, carrot shreds and mix well. Sprinkle some water for easier tossing, if needed.  Season to taste with salt if necessary.
5.   Dish up, garnish with Chinese celery and serve immediately.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Green Apple with Honey Citron Tea

The ancient sages looked to nature to show them how to live a life of happiness. Oneness with nature and living in harmony with its ways are keys to inner peace. Living in the Urban, we are very far away from Nature and we feel unhappy.  We keep on trying to fill that gap or lack because of the unhappiness and that is never enough no matter what we try to fill it with. So, it is always good to visit the nature often to connect back to it.

Fruits and Veggies signify the nature in a way and therefore consume more of them, as they have vibrational frequencies which is not found in processed or canned food or meat, that is beneficial to our body.  

If you find that green apple is too sour or bland, just add some Korean Honey Citron Tea Paste (for making tea) to spice it up, just like this recipe. This creation is the result of not thinking and the idea just pop up from nowhere.   Hope you like it and find your connection to the creativity in you.

Preparation:      5 mins
Ingredients (serves 1)
°         1 green apple, diced
°         1 tablespoon Korea Honey Citron Tea Paste or to taste

1.       Mix all the ingredients well and serves chilled.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Angel 'N' Penne playing with Curry Leaves

This was an impromptu creation for dinner last night using whatever left over ingredients I have. Therefore, I didn't even write down the quality used for each ingredient. It was only after cooking, those curry leaves look so harmonize with the pasta, radiate a kind of simple beautiful energy that captured my heart.  Therefore I took a picture of it and share it with you.  

It could be I was experiencing a feeling of great satisfaction yesterday. I went for my 9th blood donation at Blood Bank [yep, passed haemoglobin check, Thalassemia Minor have a much higher requirement than normal person]. 

I have small vein and the staff nurse was surprised that my blood flow so smooth and fast that within 3 mins 47 secs, they collected 450ml of my blood (weight 45-50kg only 350ml blood will be taken, > 50kg 450ml blood will be taken). The fastest record according to her was a guy with big vein within 3 mins 20 secs.  The friendly staff-nurse really knows how to bring surprises to me.

Could it be the vegetarian diet or could it be I have drink lots of plain water prior to the blood donation that resulted such an uncongested good flow? I don't really know.

Few days back, I just attended an EFT (Emotional Freedom Workshop) conducted by Ms Tan Hwee San (Counsellor and Healer), learning a little about Emotional Acupressure and Energy Psychology. On my way to the blood bank which was about 1 hour train journey and having nothing to do, I started to do some simple tapping near the end points of my energy circuits or meridians. Maybe, that also helps to create that small wonder too.

Back to this pasta, it calls for pasta, minced garlic (optional), curry leaves fried in olive oil, salt and curry power for garnishing.  So just play with any ingredients, have no expectation and be surprise by the outcome ... 

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Harmony of Nature - Fruit Salad with a Taste of Asia

Honestly, I did not create this recipe! I had this surprise salad at the last day of my CPC class.   The lovely person, who whipped up this, is the one that type this to me - [Breath In, Breath Out, We are ONE].  Maybe it is food from the heart that it touches my heart and I just want to recreate this via my memory and share with more people.

Feel free to do this fruit salad in your own way, by following your heart, mix different fruits (jackfruit or gavua or green mango or ...) and with some special ingredients and let it unites as ONE in harmony - full of colour, taste and beauty.  [I am eating this while typing this, it is getting addictive - full of nature energies!]

Preparation:     8 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
°         1 green apple, diced
°         1 orange, peeled and diced
°         few slices dried lime slices, cut into smaller pieces
°         1-2 teaspoons dried canberries

1.      Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Serve chilled. 

Friday, October 01, 2010

A Flextarian's Wild Red Mushroom recipe ...

Photo Source : from HH
Two weeks ago, I received an unexpected e-mail from a Flextarian, HH, asking for Wild Red Mushroom and Wild Tea Tree Mushroom recipes. Oops, I haven't tasted Wild Red Mushroom!

I keep meeting lovely people who are vegetarian friendly even they are meat-eater in one way or other. They are the one who bring a smile to my face and remind me a very beautiful phase that someone gave me - [Breath In, Breath Out, We are ONE].

Yes, We are all global citizen staying on Planet Earth, shower with so much unconditional love from the Universe which we can discover if we willing to slow down and look deeper. Even the Bee gives us unconditional love in a way. Without the tiny insect - Bee, we will face Food Crisis. The food that we eat everyday to survive (even we pay) is the combination of countless contributions of others that we do not know.

So, what I can offer to repay all these kindness?

Maybe, in here, I share the wonderful recipe given to me by HH who is a flextarian (Thank you HH). She is really creative and using non-meat ingredients and workaround to veganism a meat recipe. Beautiful!

Below is the unedited email from HH, enjoy  ...

This is the simple recipe I told you about.

• 50 gram dried red mushroom
• 8 C water
• 200-250 gram pork
• 1 T soy sauce
• 1 t sesame oil
• 1 t corn or potato flour
• ½ t of sugar

1. Wash mushroom and deconstruct for 10 mins, drain
2. Cut pork, marinate 30 mins
3. Boil mushroom then simmer for 1 hour
4. Add pork, cook 10 mins, serve with chopped green onions

I did not have pork on hand and did not feel like eating any meat, so I used tofu.
I coated tofu with the corn flour and shallow fried it before marinate.
I found the soup rather to a bland side, probably because the tofu exuded water.
I just put a pinch of salt and a handful of shredded nori in my individual bowl. Very soothing and gentle dish.

The red mushroom has a woody, thick-papery texture. Not as aromatic as shiitake that I use the most for soups. Maybe the way I cooked it did not bring out its maximum flavour.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Embracing Simplicity - Just King Oyster Mushroom and Chilli

Few days back, someone asked me about Wild Red Mushroom. Unaware of Wild Red Mushroom.  Have not seen one before! Have not tasted any before!  Hmmm... NEW stuff! Very interesting.

Yes, there are so many things in the Universe that we don't know and is waiting for us to explore and to discover, just like the mushroom with a beautiful lovely name - Wild Red Mushroom that I don't know.  

So are you on such a quest? Discovering the beauty of Vegetarian Cuisine or discovering your potential or strengths? Or your warrior's heart is on the search for the truth of your existence?

If you are wondering why my posting is getting lesser nowadays, it is because I am away discovering the Mother Nature's beauty and allure by the stimulating self-discovery workshops ... With these positive energies that I harness, maybe I would be able to have a different feel when I cook and play with vegetarian dishes.

Preparation:     5 mins
Cooking time:    10 mins
Ingredients (serves 2)
°         200g king oyster mushroom, sliced
°         3 dried chilli, cut into section
°         1 tablespoon olive oil
°         1 tablespoon vegetarian oyster sauce
°         125ml water

1.      Heat the oil in a wok. Add dried chilli and fry till fragrant.
2.      Throw in the king oyster mushroom and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add in the vegetarian oyster sauce and water. Simmer for 5-8 minutes.
3.      Transfer to a serving dish, garnish with some fresh chinese celery or coriander and serve immediately.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Aubergine (Eggplant) Kinpira

If you like braised eggplant with pepper and chilli, here is another rather similar dish - Eggplant Kinpira using only simple ingredients. Mirin is omitted in this recipe, you can add mirin or cooking rice wine, if desired.

Preparation:     5 mins Cooking time:  5 mins
Ingredients (serves 2-4)
°         250g  aubergine (eggplant), cut into strips
°         1 tablespoon olive oil
°         some toasted sesame seeds
°         some chilli flakes (optional)
°         some coriander or Chinese celery (optional), for garnish  

°         3 tablespoons light soy sauce
°         60ml water or dashi stock
°         1 tablespoon sugar

1.      Place all the seasoning ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Set aside.
2.      Heat oil in a wok. Fry the aubergine or eggplant for 2-3 minutes.  Pour in the seasoning and simmer for 1-2 minutes or until it is dry.  
3.      Dish up, top with coriander or Chinese celery, sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds, chilli flakes and serve immediately.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Preserved Olive Vegetables Rice

This recipe is the act of my right brain at work! When my son told me about the yummy Herbal Fried Rice offered by the Vegetarian Stall in his school.  I was not present in the HERE and NOW, upon hearing the word 'herbal', my right brain wander off to the thoughts of fried rice with olive, then it reminds me of the preserved olive vegetable and many other things that eventually lead me to this creation - adding preserved olive vegetable to cook the rice.   

This is the characteristic of a Right-Brained (often misunderstood), where they can think of one thing, say another and their brain has already moved on to another thought. 

If you are curious whether you are a right-brained or left-brained person, take the simple test @ The Right Brain vs Left Brain test. Have fun!

Preparation:     10 mins, Cooking time:  15 mins
Ingredients (serves 2)
°         200g rice, washed and drained
°         400ml water
°         2-3 tablespoons preserved olive vegetables
°         some freshly chopped spring onion (optional) 

1.      Combine all the ingredients into an electric rice cooker, mix well and turn it on.
2.      When done leave the cooked rice to rest, covered, for 5-10 minutes. Fluff with a fork.
3.      Garnish with chopped spring onion and serve hot.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Vegan Soy Bean Sprout Pancake (Kongnamul Jeon)

Eggless Kongnamul Jeon!  Kongnamul Jeon is a Korean pancake like dish using soy bean sprout as the main ingredient. You can cook it like a big omelette or in small pancake size. Chickpea flour is used, as it has the colour of the egg and has higher portion of protein compare to other type of flour.

Preparation:     15 mins Cooking time:  10 mins

Ingredients (serves 4)
°         150 soy bean sprout, trimmed
°         50g onion, sliced
°         50g carrot shreds
°         150g chickpea flour (besan flour/gram dhall)
°         250ml water
°         salt and pepper, to taste
°         2-3 tablespoons oil

1.      Combine the chickpea flour, water, salt and pepper in a bowl and mix well. Throw in the soy bean sprout, carrot, onion and blend well. Set aside.
2.      Heat 1- 1½ tablespoons of oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat. Ladle half of the soy bean sprout batter mixture into the pan and spread well.  Flip over the pancake after 1½ minutes or when the base is slightly brown. Remove from heat after another 1½ minutes and transfer to a serving plate. Repeat with the rest of mixture.
3.      Cut into smaller size and serve. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Potato Kinpira

Simple, healthy and tasty! Another Kinpira recipe using potato! I omitted mirin in this recipe, you can add mirin or cooking rice wine, if desired.

Preparation:     10 mins Cooking time:  10 mins 
Ingredients (serves 2-4)
°         200g  potato, julienne 
°         4 slices carrot, julienne
°         1 tablespoon olive oil
°         some toasted sesame seeds
°         some spring onion (optional), chopped or shredded

°         2 tablespoons light soy sauce
°         3 tablespoons water or dashi stock
°         1/3 tablespoon sugar

1.      Place all the seasoning ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Set aside.
2.      Heat oil in a wok. Fry the potato for 5 minutes.  Add in the carrot and pour in the seasoning and simmer for 1 minute or until it is dry.  
3.      Dish up, top with spring onion, sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds and serve immediately.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Soy Bean Sprout Rice

This is rather similar to Korean Rice Dish - Kongnamul Bab. You can even simplify it by having two ingredients -  rice and soy bean sprout,  with simple seasoning like salt or light soy sauce with or without sesame oil.  You may even replace carrot with mushroom or other ingredients you have in your kitchen.

Never underestimated the taste of this simple dish! We are surrounded by many simple and yet delicious vegetarian dishes. So just experience the richness of vegetarian food by taking the opportunity to savor it and fully taste it, by just focusing on the sensations in the mouth and appreciate it fully.

Preparation:     15 mins  Cooking time:            15 mins

Ingredients (serves 2)
°         200g rice, washed and drained
°         400ml water
°         125-150g soy bean sprout, trimmed
°         25g carrot, peeled and shredded
°         1 tablespoon curry powder (optional)
°         salt and granulated mushroom bouillon  to taste

°         some shredded nori and roasted sesame seeds

1.      Combine all the ingredients into an electric rice cooker, mix well and turn it on.
2.      When done, leave the cooked rice to rest, covered, for 5-10 minutes. Fluff with a fork and garnish with shredded nori, sesame seeds and serve hot.

Vegetarian Assam Fish

I brought a pack of instant Vegetarian Assam Fish where it only required heating-up. I added some other ingredients to make this more nutritious yet simple to be done.  Instead of stir-fry the ingredients and add to the heated up Vegetarian Assam Fish, I just put them together and heat up.

Preparation:     8 mins Cooking time:  8 mins
Ingredients (serves 2)
°         1 pack (400g) vegetarian assam fish
°         1-2 tomatoes, cut into wedge
°         1 wedge pineapple, cut into small chunk
°         1/2 onion, cut into wedge.
°         mint leaves (optional),  for garnish
1.      Place the ingredients in a pan and heat up.
2.      Garnish with mint leaves and serve. 
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