I got this beetroot and I throw it into the rice cooker to cook with the rice. The colour from the beetroot had made the rice so beautiful. I didn’t add any salt to it, so I can choose to mix with homemade Vegetarian Furikake (combination of Vegetarian Salted Fish, Aonoriko Seaweed and Black and White Sesame Seeds). I just garnish it with mint leaves and Vegetarian Floss. This should appeal to little kids too. What about the cooked beetroot, I used them to make a Beetroot and Banana Soymilk Shake, in this way, I save time and energy.
Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 15 mins
Ingredients (serves 2)
° 200g rice, washed and drained
° 400ml water
° 1 (125g) beetroot, peeled and halved
1. Combine all the ingredients into an electric rice cooker, mix well and turn it on.
2. When done leave the cooked rice to rest, covered, for 5-10 minutes. Fluff with a fork and serve hot.
Hi Crystal,
This is an interesting dish! So far I had only made beetroot soup!
Thanks Emily. I might want to try beetroot and potatoe soup.
Cheers :)
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