The Vegetarian Society Singapore (VSS) http://www.vegetarian-society.org/ had produced a lovely Singapore VEGETARIAN food guide that they did in cooperation with Singapore Tourism Board (STB). The first of its kind, this 76 page booklet is the result of months of hard work, and features write-ups on over 80 restaurants, organized by precincts.
Letting Veg*n or Non-Vegetarian to discover the wealth of Vegetarian Cuisine in Singapore, from Asia to Western, Organic Vegan to Vegetarian Versions of local favourities ….
Where to get a copy:
It will be distributed by the Singapore Tourism Board at their local office, kiosks, strategic tourist attractions and pick-up points, as well as their overseas offices.
Uniquely Singapore -
From 1 to 31 July 2009, Just bring along the Food Guide to these fine restaurants and enjoy a 10% discount on dine-in cuisine!
click for here more info:http://www.vegetarian-society.org/?q=node/1047#
click for here more info:http://www.vegetarian-society.org/?q=node/1047#
We have just added your latest post "Singapore VEGETARIAN food guide" to our Food Directory . You can check the inclusion of the post here . We are delighted to invite you to submit all your future posts to the directory for getting a huge base of visitors to your website and gaining a valuable backlink to your site.
Warm Regards
foodnrecipes.info Team
Thank you very much :) That's sound good.
Cheers :)
I just enquired at the Visitor ctr and was told they don't give out at the visitor centres to locals. Was redirected to purchase from vegetarian society on-line.
Maybe VSS cld "sell" the guide at their next promotion/exhibit venue.
I went there with my family (Visitor Centre) and I guess I looked too local because they refused to give it out. They handed me a post-it note with the Vegetarian Society URL scribbled on it.
Is there somewhere else I can obtain this?
Hi, thanks for the info. I try to get these message over to VSS forum.
So far, only this 2 places, as this is something new, so the copies printed are limited 10,000 only, I read and meant for Vegetarian Tourist. In fact, Vegetarian Food are not meant only for Vegetarian Tourist, anyone can enjoy it :)
In today society, non-vegetarian, semi vegetarian ALSO dine at vegetarian eateries.
Good to hear this, at least it gave that pointers. Thank you so much :)
Cheers :)
Hi Crystal,
Here is the info on the food guide from VSS Team that you can post in your blog. As the detail is too long, I think is better to send u an email rather than posting in blog as comment.
Detail as follows:
Yes, public can buy at $2 per copy. As we have limited volunteers, the best ways are stated below:
There are several modes of payment depending on the number of copies of the food guide required. All orders will be posted to you as soon as we can. Each copy costs $2.50 and includes postage.
For 1 to 3 copies:
Please use Internet Banking or ATM transfer for one to three copies. It would be advisable to email us again to let us know you have made the transaction and provide the name of payee or account number so that we can match the payment to the right order and mailing address.
Banking Details:
Please make payment of $2.50 per copy via bank transfer to the following account:
POSB Savings Account No.: 034-12797-2
Please input your name as initial when doing the transfer. After payment is made, please email us ( svfg@vegetarian-society.or
g ) which bank account, what amount and on which day payment has been made so we can match the transaction to the right person.
For 4 copies and above:
Besides the payment modes mentioned above, you can pay via PayPal for 4 copies and above. Because PayPal charges a commission per transaction, VSS can only accept payment via PayPal for orders of 4 copies and above.
The VSS PayPal page: http://www.vegetarian-society.org/svfg-paypal
All VSS members receive a free copy via mail! To join and see the list of benefits, visit http://www.vegetarian-society.org/?q=node/6
VSS is also pleased to announce a string of special promotions during the month of July 2009 when you produce the food guide at participating restaurants.
Details: http://www.vegetarian-society.org/?q=node/1047#
Please note that STB's Singapore Visitor Centres will no longer give out copies to non-foreign visitors nor sell the food guides because they do not have enough manpower and resources to take care of walk-ins other than foreign visitors. They seek everyone's kind understanding.
For further information about the Singapore Vegetarian Food Guide, please do not hesitate to contact us at svfg@vegetarian-society.org
Best Regards,
The VSS Team
End of msg.
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