Preparation: 30 mins, Cooking time: 30 mins
Ingredients (serves 4)
° 75g French beans, trimmed and cut into 3cm strips
° 100g egg plants, sliced
° 50g carrot, peeled and diced
° 100g cabbage, cut into 3cm squares
° 1 (225g) firm tofu (beancurd), deep-fried and cut into 4 pieces
° 250ml-300ml water
° 125ml-150ml coconut milk
° ¾ teaspoon curry powder (optional)
° salt and sugar, to taste
Spice Paste (makes 75g)
° 6 dried chilli, chopped
° 3 stalk lemon grass, peel off outer layers, cut out 7.5cm, chopped
° 25-30g fresh blue ginger (galangal), chopped
° ¾ thumb-sized fresh turmeric, chopped
° 2-3 candle nuts, chopped
° 1½ teaspoons vegetarian belacan
° 5-6 tablespoons vegetable oil, for frying
° ½ teaspoon salt
° 1 teaspoon sugar
1. Grind spice paste ingredients until fine and set aside.
2. Heat oil in a wok or frying pan. Add the laksa paste and fry for 10 minutes or until thickened and fragrant.
3. Add all the ingredients and bring to a boil. Simmer for 15 minutes or until all vegetables are tender. Season with curry powder, salt and sugar to taste.
4. Serve hot with rice or bead.
1. Unsweetened soy milk can be used to replace coconut mil but should be added last just before serving, if desired.
2. Spice paste can be made in advanced or more and keep refrigerated for up to 7-10 days.